Incorporation of Company

Offshore Jurisdictions
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Anguilla is quickly gaining recognition as a leading jurisdiction for offshore company formation. Anguilla is under UK Territory with a highly regulated financial services sector. The legal system is

Common law based on English law. There are no foreign trade or exchange restrictions in Anguilla and it is a tax neutral jurisdiction that provides easy air access to North America and Europe. Anguilla provides completeconfidentiality of information regarding shareholders and directors – no data is made public. There are absolutely ZERO forms of direct taxation on corporations or individuals.

Advantages of Incorporating in Anguilla

  • Exemption from all local taxes and stamp duty
  • Maximum confidentiality and anonymity
  • Ease of operation, maintenance and control
  • Asset security
  • No disclosure or minimum capital requirements
  • The minimum number of shareholders is one
  • The minimum number of directors is one
  • Corporate directors and shareholders are permitted
  • Excellent and flexible post-incorporation follow-up services
  • No statutory requirement to hold annual general meetings
  • Highly competitive fees and costs


Principal Corporate Legislation: The International Business Companies Act 2000, The Limited Partnership Act 2000,
The Companies Act 2000, The Limited Liability Company Act 2000.
Type of Law: Common
Language of Legislation and Corporate Documents: English
Type of Company for International Trade, Investment & Tax Planning: International Business Company (IBC)


Anguilla - International Business Company (IBC)

Share Capital
Standard authorised share capital is US$50,000. Minimum paid up share capital is US$1.
Classes of Share Available
Registered shares, shares of no par value.
Bearer Shares
Not permitted.
Restrictions on Trading
Cannot trade within Anguilla. Banking, insurance, assurance, reinsurance, fund management, collective investment schemes, trust management, trusteeship business provision are not permitted.
Registered Office Required
Yes, must be maintained in Anguilla.
The minimum number of directors is one. Director can be of any nationality and need not be resident in Anguilla. Corporate directors are permitted.
The minimum number of shareholders is one.
Publicly Accessible Records
Nominee Shareholders and Nominee Directors
Location of Meetings of Directors and Shareholders
Disclosure of Beneficial Ownership to Authorities
Personal Presence Required
Double Taxation Treaty Access
Requirements to File Accounts
Requirement to File Annual Return
Audit Requirements
US Dollar and East Caribbean Dollar (XCD).
Exchange Control
Language of Name
Restricted Words
Words such as "Assurance", "Bank", "Building Society", "Royal", "Trust Company", "Trustee Company" etc. will require justification.
Name of a Company
The words Ltd., Corp., Inc., NV, GmbH or SA must be part of the name of every company.
Time to Incorporate
Two days.
Shelf Companies
Anguilla Shelf companies are available.


Cost of Formation: Request a quotation



Card PMT provides the following services in Anguilla:

  • Anguilla Company Incorporation
  • Registered Office and Agent Services
  • Company Secretarial Services
  • Nominee Shareholder/Nominee Director
  • Opening of Bank Accounts
  • Full Company Administration Services
  • Mailing Address
  • Trademark Registration


Please contact us for your free initial consultation.


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Please contact us for information about incorporation of companies in other offshore jurisdictions.


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